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Patch 1.07:
* The Armory (already available in the US version)
* A10 addon
* Mission Blood, Sweat and Tears (already available in European version by 505 Games and the US version by Atari)
* Various other fixes and improvements across the game including:
1.07 - Fixed Very long MP mission name could cause crashes or freezes
1.07 - Fixed UI - Double click on listbox scrollbar does not launch the listbox action now
1.07 - Fixed Optics were deformed when using other than 4 3 screen ratio
1.07 - Fixed Tanks were having troubles driving up the stones
1.07 - Fixed Functions createGroup, createUnit now fully works in MP
1.07 - Fixed AI now gets in vehicles on the positions where dead units are
1.07 - Fixed Gear dialog is closed when player dies
1.07 - New Weapons - optics camera can have a different direction than muzzle direction now