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Házigazda: [NST]Cifu |
Colt developed this rifle, the CK-901, for the Yemeni military in 2014 - which appears to be the only buyer they have found for it since. The rifle is basically an AR-15 chambered for 7.62x39mm, but uses the 7.62x51mm Colt CM-901 rifle as its base. This means that the bolt and carrier are substantially larger than standard 5.56mm types, which alleviates the durability problems encountered when converting the 5.56mm bolt to the larger 7.62x39mm case head. Many other small elements of the design were modified to suit the new chambering, including the gas vent holes in the bolt carrier and the firing pin profile. As a result, parts are not interchangeable between the CK and CM rifles.
EZ egy olyan gyalogsági támogató harcjármű akar lenni, mint amilyen a CV-90-120?
Ha a svédek nem tudták a saját verziójukat eladni, a németek miből gondolják, hogy nekik sikererülni fog?
Vagy ez egy tesztplatform lesz a 130-as löveghez?